Comstock-Ferguson, Outreach: Kitchen Chemistry!
The basic principles of chemistry can be learned using everyday items you can find in the kitchen. Dancing popcorn, a jelly bean taste-test, and a colorful lemon volcano are part of the fun and the curriculum for Comstock-Ferguson’s advanced chemistry class community outreach project.
It’s very different from other courses offered by the Chemistry Department. It’s cool to learn about food science. I enjoy cooking but learning the science behind cooking is different than just following the directions.
Karliegh Smith, WFU Chemistry Student
To learn more:
Wake Forest News Service: “Out of the classroom into the Kitchen”
Winston Salem Chronicle: “WFU chemistry majors teach students science basics”

Lindsay Comstock-Ferguson (center), Chemistry Professor and BMB Faculty member, leads an outreach team of WFU students who promote the idea that science and chemistry can be fun, and exciting!